Expert Couplet for the Golfe du Morbihan

1. General Information on the Golfe du Morbihan Study Site (from wikipedia)

2. The Golfe du Morbihan Study Site Area from an ICZM/Climate Change perspective (powerpoint presentation)

3. The Expert Couplet of the SIAGM Golfe du Morbihan and the University of Brest

4. RESULTS from the Workshop to identify the ISSUES and the IMPACTS on SECTORS due to climate change in the Gulf of Morbihan (French)

5. IMCORE collection of case studies

6. Tagazan Database

7. Production

8. Bibliography

1. General Information on the Golfe du Morbihan Study Site (from wikipedia) (see more)

The Gulf of Morbihan is a natural harbour on the coast of the Département of Morbihan in the south of Brittany, France. This English name is taken from the French version: le golfe du Morbihan. It is more accurately called ‘the Morbihan’ directly from its Breton name which is Ar Mor Bihan, meaning ‘the little sea’ (Compare the Welsh y môr bychan), as opposed to the Atlantic Ocean outside, (Ar Mor Bras). Legend says that there are as many islands in the Gulf as there are days of the year. However, this is untrue and the gulf has about 40, depending on the tide. Many islands are private property, except l’Île-aux-Moines and l’Île-d’Arz.

2. The Golfe du Morbihan Study Site Area from an ICZM/Climate Change perspective (read all the text and see photos on the powerpoint presentation)

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Physical description : 750km² of lands + 170km² of sea.  500km of coast line. 60 islands.

Other relevant facts :

165 000 inhabitants (including a city of 55 000 inhabitants).

In the last 40 years: population has been X 2 and urbanised areas have been X 10.

2 millions tourists each year.

Examples of local stakeholders: elected representatives, administrations, shellfish farmers, farmers, fishermen, touristic sector (ex. motor boat for passengers), shipping industry, divers, NGO’s (nature and heritage conservation; yachting; water sports)…

3. The Expert Couplet of the SIAGM Golfe du Morbihan and the University of Brest

The SIAGM has a very advanced expertise in ICZM (over 10 years experience) and is used to collaborating with scientists, which facilitates the communication between the couplet partners.

The University of Brittany (UBO) and the SIAGM have been working together in different actions dealing with ICZM since 2005, during the Corepoint project the gulf of Morbihan was one of the project case studies in France.

The main objectives and issues to be addressed in IMCORE by this Expert Couplet or “Tandem” as this concept is understood in French are:

– Issues of Climate Change for local population and stakeholders in particular considering urbanism and shellfish faming

– Scenario building in order to contribute to the awareness of the problem and participate to the integration of the Climate Change issues in the local coastal zone management.

4. RESULTS from the Workshop to identify the ISSUES and the IMPACTS on SECTORS due to climate change in the Gulf of Morbihan (French)

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5. IMCORE collection of case studies

This list aims to avoid overlaps between partner contributions to the tagazan database.

It list the title of each received or promised cases. This list is available at this address :

It will be kept updated. So please, before writing for a new case check the list to be sure that no one has already sent it to me and send an email with the title of the case you propose to Betty Queffelec (she will add it to the list) (CLOSED the database is now online with all the case studies)

6. Tagazan Database

The database is constituted by Initiatives to manage coastal risks linked to climate change sent by IMCORE partners (one card by initiative described).

The application developed by Josquin Debaz, Nils Grunwald and Betty Queffelec is a free software (see :

Its consultation interface has been built with the idea to be as simple as possible to be easily used and quick to understand by the users. It aims to allow the user to find the most interesting initiatives for him, i.e those which will be especially useful for him.

This is possible through the exploration of experiences described in the initiatives following three modalities :

– by accessing all texts (by titles linked to full text of each initiative card)

– search by words in the texts (like google) and categories

– Through tags defined by researchers (in collaboration with final users) and linked to pieces of text selected in the initiatives cards.

You can access to the database writing the following address in your favorite navigator :

Its hanbook is following :

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Its french version is following:

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You can find it on the following address too:

7. Production

Betty Queffelec, « L’intégration des changements climatiques dans les politiques publiques locales : Le cas du golfe du Morbihan », VertigO – la revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement, Hors série 6 | 2009, [En ligne], mis en ligne le 09 novembre 2009. URL : Consulté le 17 mars 2010.

Betty Queffelec, L’adaptation du littoral aux changements climatiques dans le droit français – Quelle intégration des changements climatiques dans la gestion intégrée des zones côtières?, UMR-AMURE, Septembre 2010, 68p.


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8. Bibliography

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Golfe du Morbihan Expert Couplet
AMURE: Centre for Maritime Law and Economy, University of Western Brittany SIAGM – Intermunicipal Syndicate for Planning in the Gulf of Morbihan
AMURE was established in January 2008 as a joint research unit, associating the Marine Economics Department of Ifremer and the Centre for the Law and Economics of the Sea of the University of Western Brittany.

It specializes in the study of the economic and legal dimensions of public policies related to maritime activities and marine and coastal areas.

Bringing together a group of more than 35 researchers in economics and law, the research unit constitutes a substantial centre for research, training and advanced studies on the challenges of sustainable development for maritime activities and marine and coastal areas, and the associated public policies and their impacts on the dynamics of ecosystem uses. The new research unit builds on the experience of a previous research group Amure which was created in 2004 (

Research led by members of AMURE is structured in five domains:

  1. Marine Living Resources Management
  2. Integrated coastal zone management
  3. Regulation of maritime activities and of international areas
  4. Local development
  5. Maritime Economic Data

The AMURE members working in IMCORE are mainly dealing with ICZM in the fields of economics and law.

Dr. Denis BAILLY


  • Marine resource economics
  • Sustainable development
  • ICZM



  • ICZM



  • Law of the sea and the coasts
  • Environmental law
The SIAGM is an inter-municipal organization of 34 municipalities, created in 1964.

Its aim is to promote local development according to a common vision of protection, planning and sustainable development.

Since 2000, the SIAGM is leading a project of Natural Regional Park, has prepared its charter and is working with all stakeholders. The charter is not adopted yet: the process is going on and it may be validated in the next month.

The approach of the SIAGM in its project for the gulf of Morbihan and in particular in the Park project, aims to be integrated for the coastal zone management. Its purpose is to make compatible issues in order to preserve and promote heritage in the development of the territory.

The link between sea and land are not limited to the coastal zone. Indeed, the carrying capacity on land and sea on the shoreline are closely linked to the activities set up on the inland areas.

Monique CASSE – Director

She is in charge of the natural regional Park project

Ronan PASCO – In charge of the marine affairs


  • ICZM
  • Shellfish farming
  • Fisheries
  • Leisure shipping
  • Seabed biodiversity
  • Marin economic activities

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